Diabetes Wellness

Our Diabetes Wellness Center offers support groups, classes and small-group or individual instruction for Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes and diabetes with pregnancy, as well as other resources.

Mason General Hospital

Diabetes Wellness: 1-360-427-7332
Dietitian Services: 1-360-427-7332
Community Health: 1-360-432-3296
Social Worker: 1-360-427-3667
Patient Navigator: 1-360-432-7706
  • Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Diabetes Wellness Classes

Our Diabetes Wellness providers offer support groups, classes and small-group or individual instruction for Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes and diabetes with pregnancy.

Continuous Glucose Monitoring

Our Diabetes Wellness Center offers a special customized service to help patients manage diabetes through 24/7 monitoring. To learn more contact the Diabetes Wellness Center.

Diabetes Wellness Online Newsletter Launch in 2022!

A new Diabetes Wellness newsletter will launch in January of 2022. Sign up - foundation@masongeneral.com.

Diabetes Wellness Resource Videos

Healthy Eating:

Being Active:


Taking Medicines:

Lowering Risk:

Managing Stress:

Solving Problems: