Pain Management Services
Mason Health’s Pain Management Services are provided for patients who experience chronic pain conditions and symptoms due to various illnesses and disorders in the body.
Mason General Hospital
Pain Management Services

Ross E. Vogelgesang, M.D.
Mason Health's pain management services are provided by Dr. Ross Vogelgesang, who specializes in both medical and procedural approaches of pain medicine.
Schedule an appointment with a primary care provider, who will then refer out to a pain management provider.
Appointments can be scheduled at Mason Clinic at 360-426-2653 or through your regular Mason Health clinic provider.
The Importance of Pain Management
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), almost 1 in 5 American adults experiences chronic pain – pain that lasts for 3 months or more. Also, 8% of U.S. adults suffer from high-impact chronic pain that interrupts their daily activities.
Pain medicine specialists are experts in chronic and acute pain management. Their aim is to help patients to gain a better control of their ongoing pain issues, so they can improve their quality of life.
Pain management specialists are working with:
- Diagnosing pain conditions
- Evaluating pain symptoms
- Dispensing pain medications
- Treating nerve damage and metabolic disorders related to pain
- Palliative care and cancer pain
- Providing surgical interventions
More About Dr. Vogelgesang
Dr. Vogelgesang started his practice in pain management in 1992 in West Olympia. Starting in 2021, Dr. Vogelgesang will offer clinic hours at Mason Clinic and services at Mason General Hospital.
Dr. Vogelgesang treats many types of pain, including, but not limited to, acute headaches and migraine, arthritis, back and neck pain, complex regional pain syndrome, degenerative disc disease, diabetic peripheral neuropathy, hip and joint pain, rotator cuff tear, scoliosis, spinal stenosis and more.
Learn more about Dr. Vogelgesang HERE.