Auxiliary Gift Shop

Aux Logo 2020 New

The MGHF Auxiliary Gift Shop is located just off the Main Entrance of Mason General Hospital and is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays!

The Gift Shop includes a wide selection of gift items, including singing stuffed animals, jewelry, apparel, handbags, baby items, seasonal decor, and more.

The Gift Shop is staffed by volunteers and all the proceeds from sales fund the medical field scholarships. These are offered each year to graduating seniors in our local high schools and to college students and Hospital employees pursuing careers in the health fields. In May 2023, the Auxiliary awarded $16,000 in scholarships.

If you are interested in applying for the MGHF Auxiliary Scholarship, please visit the Auxiliary webpage or click here for more information.

Iris Hilburger and Carol Goodburn Gift Shop Sale Copy
Mason Health Volunteer Services Coordinator Iris Hilburger and Carol Goodburn, Auxiliary Secretary/Treasurer
Scholarship Aux Winners Poster